Career Growth > Continuing Education
Continuing Education Opportunities

Training on the Go Program with NYLA - WebJunction is the provider for Training on the Go! Training participants can only enroll in one course at a time. Access codes are good for 12 months from the date of issuance and can be used to register for one course (maximum 1 credit value of $40). Courses range from office productivity (i.e. Microsoft Office, web development software) to grant writing, communications and other library management skills.
Access codes cost $15 for NYLA Members (processing fee waived) and $25 for non-Members.
The New York State Library has partnered with the New York Library Association to offer online and self-paced professional development courses to help NY librarians meet continuing education requirements. Course enrollment information
Continuing Education Opportunities Listings of coming workshops and webinars
Online & Distance Education
Many library schools offer continuing education opportunities. Check out their sites for distance education and continuing education certificate courses
- Web Junction Course Catalog Hundreds of self-paced and online coruses provided by numerous library associations and vendors are consolidated in the WebJunction course catalog
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